QueryPony Developer Papers
The Query Form
< This are raw developer notes, not meant to enjoy reading. >
The QueryForm is a bit convoluted to navigate in the Designer,
it's control hierarchy is not so obvious.
The VS 'Document Outline' view helps a lot.
You find it via menu item 'View - Other Windows -Document Outline'.
Nevertheless, here the explicit schema.
The VS 'Document Outline' view with the control hierarchy.
Below the control hierearchy in textual representation.
The darkviolet items
are newly added, they are missing in above image.
The red text
are developer notes.
Form QueryForm
SplitContainer splitBrowser (fills the complete form)
SplitterPanel splitBrowser.Panel1 (the left side of the form)
ComboBox comboboxDatabase
This seems redundant now with the Database ComboBox on the Connect Form.
We don't select databases here anymore (or shall we?).
So this has to be deleted perhaps (or made invisible, to start with).
Lable label1
TreeView treeView
SplitterPanel splitBrowser.Panel2 (the right side of the form)
SplitContainer splitContainer_RightSide
SplitterPanel splitContainer_RightSide.Panel1
Button button_Queryform_Close
SplitterPanel splitContainer_RightSide.Panel2
SplitContainer splitContainer2
SplitterPanel SplitContainer2.Panel1
TabControl tabcontrol_Query
TabPage TabPage_Statements
RichTextBox richtextbox_Query
TabPage TabPage_Options
CheckBox checkbox_ShowDedicatedTreeview
Button button_Queryform_Close
SplitterPanel SplitContainer2.Panel2
ToolsStripContainer toolStripContainer1
ToolsStripContentPanel toolStripContainer1.ContentPanel
TabControl tabcontrol_Results
Why is a TabControl inside a ToolStripContentPanel? Has this any
reason, or is it incidential? Can I take the TabControl out of the
ToolStripContentPanel and put it directly on the SplitterPanel?
ToolsStripPanel toolStripContainer1.LeftToolsStripPanel
Is this used? Can it be deleted?
ToolsStripPanel toolStripContainer1.RightToolsStripPanel
Is this used? Can it be deleted?
ToolsStripPanel toolStripContainer1.TopToolsStripPanel
Is this used? Can it be deleted?
ToolsStripPanel toolStripContainer1.BottomToolsStripPanel
StatusStrip statusStrip1
ToolStripStatusLabel panRunStatus
ToolStripStatusLabel panExecTime
ToolStripStatusLabel panRows
ToolStripStatusLabel toolStripStatusLabel1
Timer tmrExecTime
The complete VS window.